Születési idő: 2014.05.01

Apa: Fr.Ch., Int.Ch. Famous Hero of Moon River

Anya: Int.Ch. Lynmead Truly In My Soul “LULU”


Rendkívüli büszkeség számunkra Jethro. Nagyon nagy utat jártunk be ahhoz, hogy megszülethessen… fizikailag és átvitt értelemben is. Mindenért kárpótolt, mert az első magyar tenyésztésű collie lett, aki teljesítette az ANGOL CHAMPION címet. Minden győzelmét ráadásul Best In Show címmel együtt érte el Angliában.

Tulajdonosa: Carolyne Waterhouse, Lynmead kennel (UK)

Kiállítási eredmények

  • CC, BOB, BIS – 2016.06.81. Border Union Championship Show – Bíró: Mrs J McIntyre
  • Sable boy with a lovely wedge head, flat skull, lovely dark almond eyes, correct ear placement which were well used, rounded muzzle all combined to give the most melting expression. Lovely reach of neck going into well laid back shoulders. Good length of back, well sprung ribs and slight rise over loin. Moved with drive keeping a level topline, all put together made a stunning picture.
  • CC, BOB, BIS- 2018.04.07. Collie Club of Wales Championship Show – Bíró: Mrs J Margetts
  • A dog I have until today not set hands on and I was not disappointed. For me standing presents a lovely picture, showing off all his virtues. Not a big dog but he is so well balanced throughout. Head is so very well moulded, strong underjaw, good stop, the darkest almond set eyes and the neatest of ears that he used all the time giving that desired sweet expression, all held on a lovely reach of neck into good shoulders, good spring of rib. Correct length of back to height ratio with good strength to hind quarters and bend of stifle, well rounded bone and neat feet. When asked to move he was sound front and rear with low tail carriage. In very good coat and condition which was well presented. I was more than thrilled to award him the CC and also very pleased to see him be awarded BOB and BIS by the Referee: Mrs Christine Collins. My star of the day.
  • CC, BOB, BIS- 2018.07.08. West of England Collie Society Championship Show- Bíró: Steve Clark
  • WOW! When judging you hope to find something special. This was my something. He has the most exquisite expression from his dark almond eye and no mistaking his gender. His head is so well moulded, strong under jaw, good stop, neat ears used all the time, clean back skull, good reach of neck into good shoulder, nice length of back bend of stifle, right amount of bone, good feet, correct length to height ratio. Although not a big dog, he is completely balanced throughout, in good coat and condition, moved soundly with good front extension and drive at rear. CC and BOB with complete agreement of co-judge: Mrs Jean Catliff. I also learnt this gave him his title. Many congratulations.

Egészségügyi eredmények

DM N/N (non-carrier), HD-A, CEA/PRA/RD/KAT/PHTVL/PHPV clear, JRD free


Társtulajdonos: Carolyne Waterhouse – Lynmead collie kennel (UK)


  • Famous Hero of Moon River
    • Texas Blond du Chemin des Randonnées
      • Ch. Scottlyme You’re My Man
      • Ch. Nikita du Chemin des Randonnées
    • Eva Longoria of Moon River
      • Ch. Scottlyme You’re My Man
      • Catherine Zeta-Jones de Cal Farré
  • Lynmead Truly In My Soul “LULU”
    • Ch. Amalie Deep in My Soul
      • Ch. Riding’s Deep in My Heart
      • Ch. Amalie Sweet Surprise
    • Danfrebek Truly Golden at Lynmead
      • Ch. Lynmead Love of My Life
      • ynmead Yours Truly to Danfrebek
