About Us
Our kennel was founded in 2000 but the addiction to dogs started much earlier.
By learning pedigrees, bloodlines, visiting hundreds of dog shows and events, visiting leading kennels around the world, talking to many passionate breeders we went into deep levels of the dog world.
Our opinion is that excellent quality, healthy puppies can born only from exceptional parents, so we imported several beautiful dogs from the best bloodlines from all over the world (England, South-Africa, USA, Australia, Russia, Italy) to guarantee a large genetic pool with the real type and character. All our dogs are tested for all genetic diseases which are important for our breeds (HD, eye diseases, DM, vWD, EIC and MDR1 in collies) and we do all our best to guarantee a long and healthy life to all our puppies.
Our dogs are our family members, we keep and raise them with much love and care and we breed according to our high standards, so finding new homes to our puppies is a critical issue for us too.
We also try to keep and preserve their original job, the herding work by practicing with all of them. We organize each year a herding instinct test where all the owners of corgis can test the ability of their dogs which is a great fun event.
Our dogs are very successful on the dog shows too, but our primary goal is to make them happy on their everyday lives, so we give them all the possible best comfort and life and we wait the same from our puppies’ future owners too.
Born To Be dogs can be found on several places around the world and we are so thankful to them because through them we met a lot of fantastic people who became our friends, as everybody who has a dog from us is joining to our big family.
Trefán-Török Alexandra & Trefán Sándor
Our Story
Our canine Waikiki became the first Hungarian-bred and owned corgi in America to become American Champion and American Grand Champion.
At Crufts in England we won 2 classes and RCC (Sheena and Diva), at the European exhibition in Denmark we celebrated Young European Winner, Best Junior own-bred dog (Mango), from Eurocorgi from the Netherlands Best Puppy and Res Puppy BIS (Maiko), Best We came home with Junior and Res Junior BIS (Wolfie), Best Female and BOS (Diva), and Res Best Female (Bögyi) titles. At the French Corgi Club Show, Junior BIS (Lika) and Best Male, BOS (Charles) were won by his own bred corgis.
Parsley completed English Champion - Born To Be Your Stars Align at Twinan. I became an FCI judge after many years of study and several decades of professional work.
Cardigan Corgink - PIETRA of Trefilio Borntobe Avalanche “LIBBY” - became English Champion and England's TOP Cardigan, CC Rekorder (35 Challenge Certificate) in 2021-2022-2023. Chip became American Champion, from the World Show Josephine Veteran World Winner from Brno, BOS, Diane Puppy World Winner and Res. Puppy BIS, Dusty and Tiffany Baby returned home with World Winner titles. At the European show, Louis won the titles of Young European Winner, Josephine Veteran European Winner, Breeze European Winner, BOS, Ready and Sheena Puppy European Winner, Zonda Best Minor Puppy.
Chip arrived from America, whose wonderful exhibition career continues to this day and has become a defining dog for our kennel. BIS BISS JUNIIOR BIS PUPPY BIS USA /ESP /FR /H /SK/ HS/ HGR/ SKGR/ SRB CH Aubrey's Son of a Preacher Man
2018 became the most successful year of our kennel’s history. In both breeds we breed (collie and corgi) our own-bred dogs achieved the ENGLISH CHAMPION titles in their country of origin, in England. This is the biggest success a Hungarian can have with English breeds. BORN TO BE YOUR QUITE FAMOUS LYNMEAD “JETHRO”, the rough collie and BORN TO BE YOUR SALT DOG AT TWINAN “SALTY” put their names in the book of history of their names. They are both successful reproducers of England now and saying we are proud is really an understatement!
Our kennel received the GOLDEN LEVEL MASTER BREEDER title.
Our Corgis won the Best Breedig Group 1st place for 3 years in a row on the Club Show!
Our corgis perform on stage at the Pesti Theatre!
Our collie JETHRO in England has won the Best Male (CC) and Best of Breed title out of 70 dogs at a Collie Club Show.
We organized the 3rd Corgi Herding Day with the participation of ELTE University's Ethology Department who ran IQ tests for the dogs.
Our kennel received the SILVER LEVEL MASTER BREEDER title.
I married my loving - now - husband, with whom dogs are our shared passion.
MITCH, the wonderful tricolor corgi male arrived from South Africa.
Our kennel received the BRONZE LEVEL MASTER BREEDER title.
Our first welsh corgi cardigan litter was born.
We organized the First Corgi Herding Day, so that every Corgi owner could see their dog in his original job. Our goal is to preserve the original function of this wonderful breed.
Our first Welsh Corgi Pembroke litter was born from a 100% English blood line.
Our Collie kennel received the GOLD MASTER BREEDER title.
My kennel founder dog, Winny and my dearest Maya left us. Their line is still alive through a line of very successful show and breeding dogs, and they are proud grandmothers (P.S. I Love You) and Great-grandmothers (Samsara) to them!
NAPO made me very quickly very proud by becoming Best Baby, Baby Best of Day and then BABY BEST IN SHOW on the European Dog Show 2008 Budapest!!! What a start! And it was really just a start as he couldn’t stop gaining great results...
I asked a puppy by him and in the summer my new love joined to our kennel: ANDVOL FREGAT MOEI MECHTY - NAPO. He is a new dream come true. I was so happy to have him, he is a really extravagant boy, so intelligent and lovely.
I fell in love with Corgis on the Eurasia Dog Show in Moscow 2008 by looking at Andvol Ya Tvoy Kumir. After that I was sure: I WANT A CORGI.
This year Heaven (Born To Be Heavenly Happiness) has joined back to our kennel who is a beautiful daughter of Int.Ch. Double Scotch Gold Windstar x JCh. Silver Dream Quelques Fleurs.
From Emily’s litter, the litter E we kept the girl: Endless Love - MAYA. She is a dream come true with the possible best character ever. She was so sweet with EVERYBODY. She would never hurt anybody or anything, she was LIVE LOVE. She could think about nothing else just LOVE and HAPPINESS. This characteristic is so important for me and I am so happy that many people met her and realized: she is really something SPECIAL.
I was happy to return home with Int.Ch. Night and Day des Marécages du Prince - Zorro, who stayed in my kennel for 1,5 years. He became the father of my next litter, the mother was Winny. From this tricolour litter I kept Brooklyn.
Then, in the summer I spent 2 months at Mrs Christine Bisconte (des Marécages du Prince kennel) in France. It was really interesting to see her way of breeding and the methods she uses. We visited some shows, I was lucky enough to be able to show my dream bitch: Emily - Orange Amére des Marécages du Prince. We visited a lot of kennels which was so interesting for me: Beldones, Midland Valley, Clos des Duchesses, Cathyja, Cret du Loup, Chemin des Randonnées, Vallee de L’Aisne, Cabrennyset. I learnt really a lot from this summer experience. I am so thankful for my mentors.
In March I had my first visit to the UK, where I enjoyed the hospitality of Peter and Miriam Marsh (MIRPET collies). We visited the British Collie Club Show, the Crufts and some kennels: Lynaire, Brilyn, Lingwell.
The first Born To Be litter was born by Int.Ch. Silver Dream Final Countdown x Winny. I was very lucky as Winny gave birth to 8 wonderful puppies, all healthy and she raised them up so well. From this litter I kept Born To Be Alice Deejay, Chanel who became the best friend of Winny and to the whole family. She had an extraordinary character and I am so happy to bred her. Our first Internationale Champion collie came from this litter also, namely Born To Be All Time Favourite - Niel who also achieved the Österreich Champion title! Congratulations to the owners!
I was involved in the collie breed more and more because I was corresponding with many collie breeders all over Europe and even became a member of the International White Collie Club in the USA. I read a lot of books and got many help from Winny’s breeder, Judit Korózs-Papp. I decided to breed collies, so I registered the Born To Be kennel name at FCI.
12. születésnapomra kaptam Winny-t, azaz Silver Dream Black Yuccát. Az engedelmességen túl
agilityztünk (agility kiképzésvezető lettem), dog dancingeltünk és tereltünk. Winny az első
kiállításán CAC, BOB, Res. BOG lett!! Ezzel elindult a lavina.
I got Jackie as a birthday present. She was by Silver Dream Black Ebony Eyes x Löszhalmi Adrienn. This time I collected millions of books of the dogs and was attended in the dog school on a weekly base.
Our first collie: Márványosi Gina. She stayed with us only for a few years but she made me infected to fall in love in the breed: COLLIE.