We met Chip’s Breeders personally in 2014 and it took 7 years waiting to buy a dog from them. For us it was a huge dream. With Chip amazing bloodlines arrived to Europe which is a real treasure for delicate people. Chip proved his qualities already in puppy and junior classes in Hungary and then he finished the USA Champion title in 2 months which is a record on it’s own. He was awarded in Best In Show levels on several shows, even Speciality. However these are important they would have no value without his amazing personality. Chip has an extraordinary character, he loves all creatures, he has a big heart and great sense of humour. He is not afraid of anything, took it easy to fly back to the USA 2 times. He was walking like a king on the airport, jumped on the luggage scale at the check-in desk and was happy to realise all people admire him so much. It is so easy to live with him. He is producing awesome puppies with beautiful silhouettes and movement and incredible how well he is passing his amazing character too.